
Angular 18 Features

Types of Directive
  1. Component Directive
  2. Structural Directive
  3. Attribute Directive

Five common features in angular projects

*ngFor, *ngIf, property Binding [], Event Binding (), Interpolation {{}}

@Input Decorator

The @Input decorator indicates that the property value will be passed in from the component's parent (in the case, the product list component).

Generate routing module

ng generate module app-routing --flat --module=app
--flat puts the file in src/app instead of its own folder.
--module=app tells the CLI to register it in the imports array of the AppModule.


IVY is new rendering engine produce small bundle size and bazel is new build system.
Enable ivy using cli => ng new angular-project --enable-ivy

Key Parts of Angular
  1. Modules
  2. Compoents
  3. Templates
  4. Metadata
  5. Data Binding
  6. Services
  7. Directives
  8. Dependancy Injection


Just-in-Time(JIT) => Which compiles your app in the browser at runtime

Ahead-o-Time(AOT) => Which compiles your app at build time

Server Side Rendring (SSR) - Universal Angular

HTTP Interceptors